Welcome! My name is Fallon, and I am a gifted and talented ELA teacher and instructional designer. I am a huge proponent of gamification in education. I try to make my materials as engaging and creative as possible. I believe that a good teacher is like an artist, passionately in love with their work. I hope my resources and tips can save you valuable time and effort!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Poe Fest Projects and Study

One of my favorite units I have ever taught is my Edgar Allan Poe unit for 7th grade. Students learn about connotation, analyze figurative language/poetic devices, tone, and more.  I think Poe's work is great for student engagement, and what better time to focus on his work than the month of October? In this post, I will be sharing tips for a successful unit and my favorite projects/activities for middle schoolers.

Recommended Texts from Edgar Allan Poe for Middle School:

"The Tell-Tale Heart"

"The Raven"

"The Black Cat"

Recommended Activities and Lessons to Accompany Your Literature Study:

  • Text to Media Comparison 
    Many of Poe's works have been retold in new media.  I love having students compare two versions of a single work to draw comparisons, make connections, and critique the retelling. Please make sure you preview any of the videos I have used before you use them with your kids. What was appropriate for my students, may not feel appropriate for your own. Some of my favorites are:
"The Raven"

"The Tell-Tale Heart"

Graphic Novel with Many Tales Inside:


Recommended Culminating Activities to Accompany Your Literature Study:

Edgar Allan Poe's work leads itself well to adding theatrics which can help engage students.  We always ended our Poe unit with an annual Poefest! Our Poefest featured final projects, costumes, and refreshments! Our Poefest celebration typically took place in November.  

My Lessons & Ideas for Your Poefest:

Let me know if you have any questions or a cool idea to share!

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